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Neu Berlin Institute of Improvised Music vol.18

18th session of 'Neu Berlin Institute of Improvised Music':At the celebrated Petersburg Artspace The I n s t i t u t e is hosting a new improvisational session. We […]

Klub Demboh. August audio-visual polyphony!

Tomorrow! 26 AugustKlub DembohAugust audio-visual polyphony! Antonio Borghini - double bassAxel Dörner - trumpetMichael Griener - percussionJoel Grip - double bassCarina Khorkhordina - trumpetFrauke Nowak - movementMarie Takahashi - violaAlexander […]


DISSIDENTS LXII Maximilian Glass, percussionMargarida Albino, voice & objects Peter Balhar, drumsLuís, extended piano & voiceLorena Izquierdo, voice action Malwina Kołodziejczyk, saxAlexander Markvart, feedback guitar & objects Entrance in the […]

Music for the Cosmos: Natural Realms

Music for the Cosmos: A special concert series of PAS Berlin, where the musicians play on the docks, for an audience across the river. Natural RealmsXavier Lopez - supercollider, synthesisBryan […]

Hemant Sreekumar / Ishikawa & Markvart / Momose Shun

Thursday concert: solo:Hemant Sreekumar - electronics, visuals duo:Mizuki Ishikawa - objects, electronicsAlexander Markvart - feedback guitar, objects solo:Momose Shun - voice Entrance in the courtyard, Aufgang II, 1OGDoors 20:00, music […]

Findrinny Festival of New Irish Songs and Sounds

PAS Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101, Hinterhof Aufgang II, First Floor, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Findrinny: Festival of New Irish Songs and Sounds, is an exploration of contemporary Irish identity through musical expression. Incorporating traditional music, storytelling, experimentalism, and theatre.Six diverse acts will perform across […]

Music for the Cosmos: Double Prismatic Rainbow

8st September, Sunday, 14:00Music for the Cosmos: A special concert series of PAS Berlin, where the musicians play on the docks, for an audience across the river. Double Prismatic Rainbow:Derek […]

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