Hard to Talk! January Edition
…its hard to talk in multi-universe…
1) Soheil – electronics
2) Joe Bidwell – songs, guitar
3) Terminal Beach Boys – Ghazi Barakat & d4mnj4r
4) Bolera – performance “how to swim”
5) Aru – performances: “How to Throw a Punch” / “Limited Freedom”
6) Ale – guitar, electronics, Lára – guitar, pedals, small synth, Nele – Bass, modular
7) TRIIKATA – songs, bass, voice
8) Anton F – drums, Felipe – visuals
PAS resident’s event including different types or arts and styles of arts and music with some guests from Berlin scene and abroad.
Entrance in the courtyard, Aufgang II, 1OG
Doors 19:00, start 19:30
More info about some participants:
Terminal Beach Boys – Ghazi Barakat & d4mnj4r:
TRIIKATA: https://m.soundcloud.com/triikata
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